“How could you kill such cute, innocent animals!? How heartless can you be?”
I’ve been asked this plenty of times. Some are half kidding when they ask, others are serious. Questions like these used to put a pit in my stomach, but not anymore. I see where they are coming from, but allow me to explain.
Here’s the thing:
If we didn’t raise these animals, someone else would be. This ‘someone else’ I refer to, being ‘Big Ag’ and CAFOs.
And I’m not here to say that Big Ag is bad, because they certainly serve a purpose!
But what if there was a better way? A better way than four huge companies controlling and monopolizing the meat industry. A better way than having a barn full of 2000+ hogs, who never step foot onto green grass or get to bask in the sun. Something better than crowded, cement-floor barns and animals never knowing the touch of their farmer’s hand.

What if we could change the narrative and the face of agriculture? I know we can do better by our land and animals.
🐷You see, on small family farms like ours, we are the caretakers of our animals whether rain, hail or shine. They know our voices, our touch and our routines. They’ve made us laugh, made us cry, and make all the hard days worth it. Day in and day out, all they’ve ever known is kindness, love and respect.

As farmers, we have a duty to our animals and our customers. We have a duty to provide the best. And if you ask me, the best way to accomplish this is through small, family farms who give their all to be the best they can be.
The type of AG you choose to support is 100% up to you. You have a choice in the matter. Anytime you feel like the way you spend your dollars doesn't matter, I’m here to tell you that you can make a difference. Support your local farmers. I promise they will support you in more ways than you could ever imagine 💚

So today, on harvest day, we give thanks. Thanks to our animals, thanks to you, and thanks because we are moving in the right direction 🙌
I’ll go to sleep tonight knowing that my work is helping to feed hundreds of local families nutrient dense foods that were raised with the practices I wholeheartedly believe in.
And for that, I’ll never apologize 🖤

Thanks for reading! <3