One year of rootin' tootin' Rudy the farm dog!
Yesterday marks one year of Rudy being on the farm! Rudy is our farm pup, a red heeler/border collie cross who rules the roost. He's...
One year of rootin' tootin' Rudy the farm dog!
Father's Day Favorites!
Homemade corned beef: how to corn your own brisket
It's time to book your 2022 bulk beef and pork!
Butcher Day...
"Easy Recipe Roundup" Compilation
Three Simple and Delicious Chicken Recipes
How to grill a flank steak roll
Good can come from bad...Looking on the bright side
Brisket: A recipe and what I've learned
Bone broth- A true superfood! Make your own!
2020 Pasture Season Wrapping Up
What's with the wattles?
Chorizo is BACK! ~Chorizo Hash Recipe~
Christmas Gift Boxes!
Fall on the Farm